sabato 16 giugno 2012

URGENT ACTION - Maldives: Human rights campaigner attacked, injured: Ismail Rasheed.

Human rights campaigner Ismail "Hilath" Rasheed was attacked in the evening of 5 June by men who slashed his throat, near his house in the capital, Malé. He survived but is at risk of further attacks and is in need of effective protection.
Ismail Rasheed needed hours of emergency medical treatment in the ADK hospital in Malé. Hospital sources have said the knife missed a vital artery by millimetres. He is under close medical attention, and unable to speak. No one has been brought to justice for this attack.
Religious groups opposed to Ismail Rasheed’s long campaign for religious freedom are suspected of being behind the attack. People linked to these groups hit him with stones in December 2011, fracturing his skull, because he had arranged a rally to call for religious tolerance. Although that attack took place in front of onlookers and there is photographic evidence that can be used to identify the attackers, no one has yet been brought to justice for that attack. Since then, Ismail Rasheed has continued with his campaign, mainly through his blog.
Under the 2008 Maldives constitution, Islam is the only religion that Maldivian nationals can practise. Religious groups interpret this to mean only Sunni Islam. Ismail Rasheed has declared that he is a Sufi. He has been subjected to an online hate campaign in the social media for advocating religious freedom in the Maldives.
Please write immediately in English, Dhivehi or your own language:
urging the authorities to provide effective protection to Ismail "Hilath" Rasheed;
urging them to bring to justice the people who carried out the 5 June attack and those who attacked him in December 2011.
Mohamed Waheed
The President's Office
Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Malé 20113
Republic of Maldives
Fax: +960 332 5500
Salutation: Dear President Waheed
Minister of Home Affairs
Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed
Ministry of Home Affiars
10th Floor Velaanaage, Ameeru Ahmed Magu, Malé, Republic of Maldives
Fax: +960 334 2064
Salutation: Dear Minister
And copies to:
Chief Justice
Ahmed Faiz
Supreme Court
M. Theemuge
Orchid Magu
Malé 20208
Republic of Maldives
Fax: +960 300 8554
** Fax machines may be switched off outside office hours (GMT+5) **
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please insert local diplomatic addresses below:
Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Fax Fax number Email Email address Salutation Salutation
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. 

Freedom of religion is restricted in the Maldives under a constitutional provision that states: “a non-Muslim may not become a citizen of the Maldives”. Religious groups allied to some of the political parties have reacted strongly to any attempt by Maldivian citizens to engage in a debate about this constitutional provision. Ismail "Hilath" Rasheed has been one of few Maldivians who have promoted this debate. It is widely believed that the recent knife attack might have been a response to his campaign against religious intolerance.
Ismail "Hilath" Rasheed organized a “Silent Protest” rally in Malé with some 30 demonstrators on 10 December 2011, calling for religious tolerance in the Maldives. A group of about 10 men attacked them. They threw stones, injuring Ismail "Hilath" Rasheed. Police arrested him on 14 December, saying that “calling for anything against the constitution is illegal”. He was released without charge after a month. None of his attackers was brought to justice.


Maldive – Azione Urgente: Ismail Rasheed, attivista dei diritti umani, è stato assalito e ferito. 
UA: 169/12 Index: ASA 29/003/2012 Maldives Date: 15 June 2012

L’attivista dei diritti umani Ismail “Hilath” Rasheed è stato assalito nella serata del 5 giugno da un uomo che gli ha tagliato la gola, vicino a casa sua,  nella capitale del paese, Malè. Sopravvissuto, è a rischio di ulteriori attentati e ha bisogno di attenta protezione.
Per ore Ismail Rasheed è stato curato presso l’ospedale ADK di Malè. Fonti interne all’ospedale hanno affermato che il coltello ha mancato per pochi millimetri un’arteria vitale. Rasheed rimane sotto stretto controllo medico ed è impossibilitato a parlare. Nessuno è stato accusato per l’attentato.
Si sospetta che dietro l’attentato si nascondano gruppi religiosi che si oppongono alla lunga campagna per la libertà religiosa portata avanti da Rasheed. Nel dicembre 2011, appartenenti a tali gruppi colpirono Rasheed alla testa con pietre, fratturandogli il cranio durante una manifestazione per la tolleranza religiosa da lui organizzata. Sebbene tal episodio di dicembre si sia verificato dinanzi a testimoni e sebbene ci siano fotografia che lo provano, nessuno è stato accusato per il fatto. Da allora, Ismail Rasheed ha continuato la sua campagna, soprattutto attraverso il blog.
Secondo la costituzione delle Maldive del 2008,  l’Islam è l’unica religione praticabile nel paese.  Alcuni gruppi religiosi interpretano la legge in maniera restrittiva con riferimento al solo Islam sunnita. Ismail Rasheed ha dichiarato di essere musulmano sufi e ha subito una campagna d’odio su media e social network per aver chieto la libertà di religione nel paese.  


I am writing to you as activist of Amnesty International, the non governmental organization which since 1961 has been working in defense of human rights, wherever they are violated.

I express concern that human rights campaigner Ismail "Hilath" Rasheed was attacked in the evening of 5 June by men who slashed his throat, near his house in the capital, Malé.
I urge you to provide effective protection to Ismail "Hilath" Rasheed and to bring to justice the people who carried out the 5 June attack and those who attacked him in December 2011.

Thank you for your attention.

1 commento:

  1. Ecco l'indirizzo del consolato in Italia:
    Consolato Onorario delle Maldive in Italia - Via A. Bafile, 5 - Roma - Tel. 0689674606 Fax. 0637516663 - Email:
