A flogging sentence against a 15-year-old rape victim in Maldives has been annulled, but the girl should never have been prosecuted at all, Amnesty International said.
A Maldives High Court today quashed a sentence of 100 lashes and house arrest against a 15-year old girl for the “offence” of extra-marital sex. The girl, who was convicted of “fornication” in February this year, had reportedly also been sexually abused repeatedly by her step father.
“Annulling this sentence was of course the right thing to do. We are relieved that the girl will be spared this inhumane ‘punishment’ based on an outrageous conviction, which we hope has also been quashed,” said Polly Truscott, Amnesty International’s Deputy Asia-Pacific Director.
“No one should ever be prosecuted for sex outside marriage in the first place. And victims of sexual abuse need counselling, not punishment. The government must make sure that she has continuing access to appropriate support services.
“Flogging violates the most basic standards prohibiting torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. The Maldives authorities must comply with their international law obligations. This means urgently establishing a moratorium on flogging, annulling all outstanding flogging sentences, and making sure that the penal code does not permit prosecution or punishment for ’fornication’.”
Prosecutions for ”fornication” violate individuals’ rights to privacy and freedom of expression, and bodily autonomy. They are used disproportionately and discriminatorily against women in Maldives.
Background - The girl was first arrested in June 2012, after the body of a baby she had given birth to was found buried outside her home on Feydhoo island. The girl’s step-father has reportedly been charged with sexual abuse and murder, and her mother for concealing a crime.
A juvenile court in the Maldives capital, Malé, on 25 February 2013 sentenced the girl to 100 lashes and eight months house arrest for “fornication”. The court said the ruling was unrelated to the sexual abuse by the step father.
In 2009, at least 180 people faced the punishment of flogging for “fornication”. Some of them have been survivors of rape and other forms of sexual abuse. During its April 2013 visit to Maldives, Amnesty International met a woman and a girl who gave personal accounts of having been subjected to this treatment.
Media reports indicate that almost 90 per cent of the individuals convicted of “fornication” in Maldives in 2011 were female.
A flogging sentence against a 15-year-old rape victim in Maldives has been annulled, but the girl should never have been prosecuted at all, Amnesty International said.
A Maldives High Court today quashed a sentence of 100 lashes and house arrest against a 15-year old girl for the “offence” of extra-marital sex. The girl, who was convicted of “fornication” in February this year, had reportedly also been sexually abused repeatedly by her step father.
“Annulling this sentence was of course the right thing to do. We are relieved that the girl will be spared this inhumane ‘punishment’ based on an outrageous conviction, which we hope has also been quashed,” said Polly Truscott, Amnesty International’s Deputy Asia-Pacific Director.
“No one should ever be prosecuted for sex outside marriage in the first place. And victims of sexual abuse need counselling, not punishment. The government must make sure that she has continuing access to appropriate support services.
“Flogging violates the most basic standards prohibiting torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. The Maldives authorities must comply with their international law obligations. This means urgently establishing a moratorium on flogging, annulling all outstanding flogging sentences, and making sure that the penal code does not permit prosecution or punishment for ’fornication’.”
Prosecutions for ”fornication” violate individuals’ rights to privacy and freedom of expression, and bodily autonomy. They are used disproportionately and discriminatorily against women in Maldives.
Background - The girl was first arrested in June 2012, after the body of a baby she had given birth to was found buried outside her home on Feydhoo island. The girl’s step-father has reportedly been charged with sexual abuse and murder, and her mother for concealing a crime.
A juvenile court in the Maldives capital, Malé, on 25 February 2013 sentenced the girl to 100 lashes and eight months house arrest for “fornication”. The court said the ruling was unrelated to the sexual abuse by the step father.
In 2009, at least 180 people faced the punishment of flogging for “fornication”. Some of them have been survivors of rape and other forms of sexual abuse. During its April 2013 visit to Maldives, Amnesty International met a woman and a girl who gave personal accounts of having been subjected to this treatment.
Media reports indicate that almost 90 per cent of the individuals convicted of “fornication” in Maldives in 2011 were female.
La fustigazione della ragazza di quindici
anni vittima di violenza nelle isole Maldive è stata annullata, ma la ragazza
non avrebbe mai dovuto subire alcun processo, afferma Amnesty International.
Oggi la Corte Suprema ha annullato la condanna della quindicenne a 100 frustate
e agli arresti domiciliari per rapporti extra-coniugali. Secondo quanto
riferito, la ragazza, condannata per rapporti extra-coniugali (“fornicazione”)
nel febbraio scorso, ha subito ripetute violenze sessuali dal patrigno.
“L’annullamento della sentenza era senza dubbio la cosa
giusta da fare. Siamo sollevati dal fatto che alla ragazza sia stata
risparmiata questa punizione disumana basata su una condanna crudele che
speriamo venga anch’essa annullata” afferma Polly Truscott, direttore
responsabile di Amnesty International per l’area dell’Asia pacifica. “In
assoluto nessuno dovrebbe mai essere perseguito a causa di rapporti sessuali al
di fuori del matrimonio. Le vittime di un abuso sessuale hanno bisogno di
consulenza e sostegno, non di punizioni. Il Governo delle isole Maldive deve
assicurare alla ragazza un continuo accesso ad adeguati servizi di supporto. La
fustigazione viola i più basilari principi contro la tortura e gli altri
trattamenti crudeli, inumani e degradanti. Le autorità maldiviane devono
assolvere ai loro impegni di fronte al diritto internazionale. Questo significa
stabilire immediatamente una moratoria delle fustigazioni, annullando tutte le
condanne pendenti di tale natura e assicurando che il codice penale non
consenta ulteriori processi e condanne per “fornicazione”.
I processi per “fornicazione” violano il diritto
dell’individuo alla tutela della sua sfera privata, alla libertà di
espressione alla autonomia del
proprio corpo. A tali processi, nelle isole Maldive, si fa ricorso in maniera
sproporzionata e discriminatoria contro le donne.
ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI SUL CASO - La ragazza fu arrestata per la prima volta nel giugno 2012,
dopo che il corpo di un neonato (da lei partorito) fu trovato sepolto intorno a
casa sua nell’isola di Feydhoo. Sulla base di testimonianze, il patrigno della
ragazza fu accusato di violenza sessuale e omicidio, la madre della ragazza fu
accusata di per connivenza.
Il 25 febbraio 2013 il tribunale per i minori della
capitale, Malè, condannò la ragazza a cento frustate e otto mesi di arresti
domiciliari per “fornicazione”. La corte stabilì che l’ordinanza non era in
relazione con la violenza sessuale da parte del patrigno.
Nel 2009 almeno 180 persone sono state condannate alla
fustigazione per “fornicazione”. Alcune di esse avevano subito violenza e altre
forme di abuso sessuale. Nell’aprile del 2013, durante la sua visita nelle
isole Maldive, Amnesty International ebbe modo di incontrare una donna e una
ragazza che riferirono di avere subito tale trattamento.
I dati di cronaca dei media indicano che almeno il 90% dei
condannati per “fornicazione” nelle isole Maldive nel corso del 2011 erano