UA: 55/13 Index: ASA 29/001/2013 Maldives Date: 28 February 2013
A 15-year-old survivor of rape is at risk of house arrest and
flogging in the Maldives, where she was found guilty of “fornication” by
a juvenile court, and sentenced to eight months’ house arrest and 100
A 15-year-old survivor of rape has been found
guilty of “fornication” or sex outside marriage by a juvenile court in
the Maldives. She has been sentenced to eight months’ house arrest and
100 lashes. As per the law, the sentence of flogging is ordinarily
carried out when she turns 18, but could be carried out earlier in
exceptional circumstances.
The girl was first arrested after the body of a
baby she had given birth to was found buried outside her house on
Feydhoo Island in Maldives in June 2012. Authorities found that she had
been raped by her stepfather, who has been charged with several
offences, including the murder of the baby and the sexual abuse of a
minor. Her mother has been charged with both concealing a crime, and
murder. During their investigation, however, authorities came across
evidence to support charges of “fornication” against the girl in a
separate incident. The Prosecutor-General’s office pressed charges
against her for “fornication” on 25 November 2012. She was found guilty
and sentenced to flogging and house arrest on 25 February 2013. While
she has a right to appeal, it is unclear whether she will exercise this
“Fornication” is not an offence in accordance
with international human rights law and standards. Further, flogging is
in violation of the absolute prohibition on torture and other cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The existence of the
offence of “fornication” and the punishment of flogging in Maldivian law
are inconsistent with Maldives’ obligations under international human
rights law.
Please write immediately in English or your own language, urging the Maldivian authorities to:
Release the girl immediately and unconditionally, including ending
the house arrest, and ensure that she is not flogged or otherwise
Ensure that the judicial process is initiated in order to overturn the conviction for “fornication”;
Ensure that she has access to adequate and appropriate protective and support services;
End the practice of flogging as a form of punishment and act to amend
Maldivian law to remove the provisions that allow flogging, as well as
those that criminalise “fornication”.
President Dr Mohamed Waheed
The President's Office
Boduthakurufaanu Magu,
Male' 20113
Republic of Maldives
Fax: (960) 332 5500
Email: (via form)
Salutation: Dear President
And copies to:
Minister of Foreign Affairs
His Excellency Dr. Abdul Samad Abdullah
Block number 77,
Henveiru, Boduthakurufaanu Magu
Fax: (960) 3323841
Salutation: Dear Minister
Prosecutor General, Maldives
Ahmed Muizzu
Prosecutor General's Office,
Majeedhee Magu,
Male' 20040,
Republic of Maldives
Fax: (960) 3000644
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country.
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