A woman carries a typical load for Mugu district – as well as a small child.
© Amnesty International
© Amnesty International
Hira Devi B.K. is 16 years old and studying in class 6 at school. She was the only teenager among the group of Dalit
women we met in Mugu, a remote mountainous district in mid-west Nepal
on the second leg of our research visit there. Hira Devi was also
recently married – her husband studies in class 10.
The group of 12 Dalit women met us as part of our research into
gender discrimination which lies at the root of the factors which lead
to Nepali women having an increased risk of uterine prolapse.
Early and multiple pregnancies – which frequently follow early marriage
– are some of the factors that contribute to the condition.
Sushila Pariyar, aged 36, like many of the women we spoke to, had
married when she was very young. She told us that she had already had
her first baby by the time she was 16.
Hira Moti B.K., aged 35 said she was forced to get married at 13 and
had her first child two years later. ”My now brother-in-law brought a
proposal and at first my parents didn’t agree,” she said. “They told
him, ‘No, our daughter is very young’. But they came under pressure from
my brother-in-law and I had to get married”.
Physical and emotional burdens
The contrast between Mugu and Kailali,
the first district we visited, couldn’t be greater. Kailali is hot,
flat, with roads to most areas. To get to Mugu you either have to fly to
a gravel airstrip on the side of a mountain or walk for 10 days. In the
distance, snow-capped mountains emerge periodically from the clouds.
Paths, many at impossibly steep gradients, are visible across the
mountains, as are the women who constantly walk them, carrying massive,
heavy loads supported by a strap around their heads.
Medical experts say that carrying heavy loads during pregnancy and
soon after giving birth increases the risk of developing uterine
prolapse. The Dalit women we spoke to work as porters – carrying loads
of more than 50kg from the airport to the main town of Gamgadhi, (a walk
of two to four hours depending on the load) or between the various
villages in the area. It’s the only income they have. Many of their
husbands are unemployed. Those who do work, said the women, often spend
their earnings on alcohol.
Some of the women knew that carrying loads could cause uterine
prolapse. Several in the group had experienced the condition or knew
women who had it. But with their income dependent on their work as
porters, they believe it is impossible for them to do anything to change
their exposure to this risk factor. As one woman said: “If we don’t
carry heavy loads, where will we get money from? We know we shouldn’t
carry heavy loads but for us it’s compulsory.”
From what we heard and saw, it was clear that Amnesty’s forthcoming
campaign must not only call for women to have access to information
about health, but also address their need to have the power to make
changes in their lives.
SIGN THE PETITION: http://amnesty.org/campaigns/demand-dignity/my-body-my-rights
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